Updated 9/14/2016
Isabella George is a wizard and spy in the 1940s.
Bewilliam is a dragon-slaying king on a mission to regain his kingdom.
And together these two fantasy series make exciting reads!
The amazing fantasy author Devorah Fox and Alesha have teamed up to bring you The Bewildering Adventures of King Bewilliam (Books 1-3) and The Gray Tower Trilogy. Check them out!
The Gray Tower Trilogy
Now being adapted to screenplay!
(The Tower's Alchemist, Book 1 is Free)
Get it at Amazon
Dark Rift (Book 2)
Circadian Circle (Book 3)
Now being adapted to screenplay!
(The Tower's Alchemist, Book 1 is Free)
Get it at Amazon
Dark Rift (Book 2)
Circadian Circle (Book 3)