
January 14, 2013

Meet the Author: Alesha Escobar

I can't believe it's already 2013, and January is halfway over. The ADDICTED TO HEROINES blog tour will be here before you know it--and we've got fun contests, cool prizes, and interesting guest spots among our participating authors (and a few giveaways won't hurt, either).

Now, with that said, I want this blog tour to also be an opportunity for you to get to know the authors who've put time and energy into bringing you all this. There are five of us in total, and each of us have our own unique story to share.

Today, I'd like to share with you why I love reading and writing fantasy:


Alesha Escobar


Los Angeles, CA

Author of...

The Gray Tower Trilogy--The Tower's Alchemist (#1), Dark Rift (#2), Circadian Circle (#3 coming soon!)

Why I like reading fantasy

I love escaping into a world of wonder, magic, and epic clashes between the goodies and the baddies.

Why I like writing fantasy

I've always been interested in paranormal/fantasy and remember sitting in the dark with my friends as my mom told ghost stories. One day we were so frightened we ran out the house! I think stories can be powerful and inspiring; they make impressions on people. I want my stories to be enjoyable and to engage readers with the same excitement and emotions I felt.

Fantasy books/authors I enjoy

Tolkien, Robert Jordan, J.K. Rowling, Game of Thrones (George Martin), Dresden Files (Jim Butcher), there's a few more, but then this list would get loooong!

When I was in High School, I thought I'd grow up to become...

An engineer or a doctor. I attended a special program heavy in the sciences and I was very interested in genetics and immunology. I went off to college and started as a Biochemistry major, but turned traitor and ended up majoring in English!

I've been writing since

The age of seven. When I was eleven, I wrote a few short stories starring a detective named Donald Drake and his partner Jason Cone. They went around solving murder mysteries.

My greatest accomplishment so far as a writer

 First, actually building up the courage to publish and share my work with the world, and secondly, getting little notes and emails from people who enjoy and appreciate what I've shared.


  1. Great to 'meet' you, Alesha. You look so young. I cringe at the thought of a photo of the way I look now. I'm tossing up using an old photo instead. Haha.

    1. Aww, thanks Francene. LOL, toss up whichever photo you like :)

  2. Lady, you amaze me with how much you do. :) A real life heroine for sure!
